Software Engineer and Manager


Hi, my name is Aliaksei, I am an Engineer and a Manager who knows how to create great software and how to do it properly together with other people.

I have deep experience connected with designing, developing and supporting in production backend services with strong performance and availability requirements.

Awesome software is much easier to create in a team. And I am able to lead a group of engineers or a cross-functional team to achieve great and ambitious goals.




Company, roleYearsDescription


Chief Technology Officer


Developing B2B SAAS product for mobile subscription analytics.


Engineering Team Lead


Key contributing to Wargaming Platform backend services, managing team of [8..16] engineers.


Lead Software Engineer


Creating and implementing solutions for Wargaming Platform, performing technical leadership in Backend engineering


Senior Software Engineer


Designing, developing and maintaining critical business applications with strong performance and availability requirements.

Melesta Games, Software Engineer


Developing game servers, meta-games and core web services for web, social and mobile games.

VirusBlokAda, Software engieer, QA Engineer


Ensure quality of the anti-virus kernel, developing a system for kernel tests automation.



Belarusian State University


Master degree in Computer Security

Belarusian National Technical University


Software Engineering Diploma (bachelor's degree)


SkillTypeLevelExtra context

Software Engineering


Backend dev, Game dev(backend), BI dev

People Management


Engineering Team Leader for about 4 years, CTO for about 1 year with EM responsibilities

Resource Management


Effective managing personal/team/company resources: time, money, hw resources.

Quality Assurance


Solution Architecture


High-level system desing, careful pre-production for complex features, solution verification.

Software Maintenance


Organizing rotation on duty, problem-solving in production, .

Performance testing & optimization


Project & Delivery Management


Organizing teamwork, planning & performing complex delivieries.

Top Projects


Predicted is a B2B platform for mobile developers and publishers which allows to estimate revenue and other significant metrics using variety of statistical models. It provide simple APIs for integrating and supports variety of features for increasing campaign performance - Grabbing and visualizing data from all media sources, SKAN optimization by erevenue, Web2Web flow, eLTV machine with multiple models and real-time interface and more.

Technology Stack: Python/SQL/PostgreSQL/Airflow/Tableau

Infrastructure providers: AWS/Hetzner

Wargaming Money

WGM is a backend service for keeping hard and soft currencies in games, which is used by all major Wargaming titles like World of Tanks and World of Warships. It has sharded database and run over Erlang/OTP cluster. WGM was designed to process 50k RPS with 95% latency < 100 ms. Observed availability during 5 years in production: 99.99%.

Technology Stack: Erlang/Python/PostgreSQL/RabbitMQ/Nginx


Depot is a backend service for storing in-game inventory, which is used for Platform Commerce cases and big game titles like World of Tanks. It has well-designed database model with sharding and partitioning and run over Elixir/OTP cluster. Observed availability during 2 years in production: 99.99%.

Technology Stack: Elixir/Python/PostgreSQL/RabbitMQ/Nginx

Micro Api Gateway

MAG is a set of Platform APIs used by big Wargaming Titles like World of Tanks and World of Worships. Well-designed and developed according to KISS/YAGNI principles with strong performance requirements and 99.95% SLA. Observed availability during 5 years in production: 99.95%.

Tech Stack: Elixir/OTP/Redis/Nginx/RabbitMQ

Melesta Game Servers

A family of asynchronous game servers and services around web/mobile/social games. Created in a startup style using rapid dev practices. However, logic was weel-tested by functional and performance tests.

Tech Stack: Python/Twisted/MySQL/Redis

Last updated